YO-ZURI 3DR-X Flat Heavy Minnow 3-1/8"
The 3DR-X Flat Heavy Minnow is a new and extremely unique count down style freshwater lure. This is a fast-sinking lure, that features a seductive dying bait fish wobble on the fall. On a straight retrieve, this thin flat sided lure has a very tight wiggle action, perfect for cold water conditions. This bait was designed to run true in high current situations for Trout, Bass, Pike, Crappie, Perch and other gamefish. It is also extremely effective when used with front facing sonar due to its shimmy action on the fall and its darting action when fished with a twitch and pause.
The Flat Heavy Minnow comes in three sizes: 1-5/8”, 2-3/8” & 3-1/8”
There are eight available color patterns: Ghost Smelt, Metallic Ghost Ayu, Baby Trout, Baby Rainbow Trout, Pink Baby Trout, Black Silver, Gold Black, Chartreuse Baby Trout